"I completed all required fields of my application at but it does not let me submit it. Instead, I get a message that says "Some required fields are empty. Please review your entries, including any prior sections marked with an alert."
1.) Spend a moment to open each section of the application to be sure all required fields are complete. Missing fields are usually highlighted in a red box.
- Check dates of employment. Format must be mm/yyyy
- If you selected 'Yes' for the resume parser to pre-fill your application we highly recommend double-checking all Employment History fields for accuracy
→ Fully delete any data in fields that have errant information
2.) Your internet browser may be out-of-date. How do I know if my internet browser is out-of-date? Employ notifies you directly on the screen if the internet browser is no longer supported. You may ignore the message, but you may run into several technical issues.
Most common issues:
→ Data is not saving
→ Signature box is missing or unable to click in signature box to sign the application
Employ Technical Support will be unable to salvage data lost when an out-of-date browser is used to fill out an employment application. Please try an alternative browser.
Find a selection of up-to-date browser downloads here:
Still unable to submit? Please contact Employ Technical Support: or call toll free (866)342-4280. Send a description of what is happening (error message popup?) or screenshot if possible.
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