OnShift® Employ Administrator User's Guide
Metrics and Graphs
This section describes the various metrics, graphs and CSV reports available in OnShift Employ. All reports are found by going to the Reports tab, then Metrics & Graphs.
Popular Reports
Many reports include a filter by Application Created Date Range. This date is the date the application was started by the applicant or when they Indeed Easily Applied. If you are looking for data on new hires for October 2021, you may need to back-date the Application Created Date if the new hire started their application several months ago.
Stage-specific reports includes massive amounts of data. If the report is taking longer than a few seconds, try breaking it up in smaller batches. For example, by quarterly dates, company, job, etc.
You can export reports to CSV. All reports queue in the Reports tab under Download Reports. A notification will be sent as soon as the report is ready.
Report Descriptions
Application Stages | ||
Report Name | Report Description | Notes |
Applications in Stages | Pulls the number of applications that are in stages and groups by the job title and name of the stage. |
Applicant Current Stages | Pulls the active applications, describing how long they've been in the current process stage. The chart averages the number of days in the stage and the group by the process stage. | Report also includes:
Applications in stages by location | Pulls the number of applications that are in stages and groups by the location and name of the stage. | Report also includes:
Average time in stage | Pulls all applications that have completed stages and gives the average time and count of applications that have completed the stage. |
Average time in stage milestone | Pulls the average time it takes to complete a milestone (milestones are a group of application stages that are linked together). | Report also includes a count of applicants measuring days, hours and minutes.
Applications and Referral Reports | ||
Report Name | Report Description | Notes |
Applications by Company | Pulls the number of applications, grouped by company and job title. The charts then display applications received by month and applications by company. | Refine search by |
Applications By State | Pulls applications received by state. | The pie chart "Other" combines any state under 3% of the total |
Qualification Questions | Pulls a report of applicants that have failed qualification questions. |
Referral Report | Pulls a list of referral sources from the referral stage. |
Referral Source Report | Pulls a list of referral sources from the referral stage. |
Application Summary | This report pulls back useful information about the last 7 days of activity. It summarizes the number of applications created, number of applications currently in the Interview, give offer and assessment milestones, and the number of rejected applications. |
Stages Information / Applicant Log Report | This report combines data from the stages information report and the applicant log report from the CSV reports page. |
Applications in Stages by Opening | Report by job ID number and current stage of an applicant. |
Application Availabilities (more info) | Disclosed availability and requested shift status. |
Campaigns |
Report Name | Report Description | Notes |
Hits/Conversions | Shows hits to conversions for a filtered campaign. |
Campaign Hits | A global campaign hits chart lists the number of hits by campaign. A company campaign hits chart lists the number of hits by custom company campaign. |
CSV Reports | ||
Report Name | Report Description | Notes |
Applicant Log (more info) | Provides a detailed report including candidate information, job opening applied to, referral source, disposition, and EEO information. | Data Employ collects for Affirmative Action Plan reporting. |
Contact Information (more info) | Export candidate contact information including email address, mailing address, and contact numbers. |
Messages | Messages tracking. Use to see emails that have been delivered, opened, bounced or dropped. |
EEO-1 (more info) | Applicant count by Job Category, gender and race. | Data collected with voluntary self-identification forms. |
VETS-4212 | Applicant count by Job Category and protected veteran status. | Data collected with VEVRAA pre- and post-hire self-identification forms. |
Stage Information | This report combines data from the Stage Information and Applicant Log reports from the CSV Reports page. | Complete data including EEO and stage timestamps. |
Hire Tools | Export necessary data for new hires. | Examples: |
Job Positions | Export of Openings details including job descriptions. |
Job Position With Advertisings | Export of Openings details including job descriptions and advertising IDs used. |
Advanced Form Builders | Export data from select advanced form builders. |
Application Index |
Job Requisition Reports | ||
Report Name | Report Description | Notes |
Job Requisitions | Includes Opening details and counts applicants received by each Job ID #. |
Wage and Experience | Export applicants' wage and experience from applications. | Report includes:
Job Openings with Hired Count | Number hired by each Job ID # (requisition). |
Archived Job Openings with Hired Count | Shows average days to hire, openings with hired count (archived), and an offer to hire report measuring the time taken from completion of sending an offer letter until cleared for hire milestone completion. |
Job Opening Hired Applications (hire date range) | Number hired by each Job ID # (requisition) in a specific HIRE date range. |
Location Reports | ||
Report Name | Report Description | Notes |
Applications active by location | Pulls the total number of active applications by location. | Includes a count by job title and location. |
Applications by location | Pulls the number created applications in last 7 days. The filter can be adjusted for longer date periods. | Filter by application status (active, hired, rejected) |
Applications hired by location | Pulls the number of hired applications in the past 7 days. The filter can be adjusted for longer date periods. |
Applications rejected by location | Pulls the number of rejected applications within the last 7 days. The filter can be adjusted for longer date periods. |
Interviewed by location | Pulls the number of interviewed applications within the last 7 days. The filter can be adjusted for longer date periods. |
Reviewed by location | Pulls the number of reviewed applications within the last 7 days. The filter can be adjusted for longer date periods. |
7 Day Summary Dashboard | Pulls where applicants are in the process as well as the number of applications created, rejected and interviewed by location. |
Report Name | Report Description | Notes |
Application Package Completion | Results span the last 180 days. The report pulls time stats from the start timestamp of the first stage to the start time of the application review stage milestone. |
Time to Hire | Results span the last 180 days. The report pulls the time stats from the timestamp of when the application review stage milestone is started to the timestamp of when the Hire milestone has ended. |
Time to Fill Requisition | Average time to hire from the requisition date. Results span for jobs open in the last 90 days. The date difference is calculated from the time that the job is open to the time that the applicant is marked as hired (the admin must mark application as hired using the hired button for this to show up). |
Time to Interview | Results span from the last 180 days. The report pulls the time stats from the timestamp of when the application review milestone is completed to the timestamp of when the application interview milestone has been completed. |
Active Applications in milestone (Graph)
| Count of applications in milestones |
Active Applications in milestone (recently modified) | Preview Active applications in milestone (recently modified) |
Time to Hire by Opening (more info) | Average time to hire by Opening title. The date difference is calculated from the time that the job is open to the time that the applicant is marked as hired (the admin must mark application as hired using the hired button for this to show up). |
Time to Interview, Offer & Hire (by recruiter) |
| Custom recruiter report |
Time to Hire Date Range | Pulls the time stats from the timestamp of when the application review stage milestone is started to the timestamp of when the Hire milestone has ended. |
Recruiter Reports | ||
Report Name | Report Description | Notes |
Recruiter Average Time in Stage | Time spent in completed stages. | Average time in days/hours/minutes |
Recruiter Average Time in Current Stage | Pulls data from application stages that have not been completed yet. | Average time in days/hours/minutes |
Recruiter Messages Sent | Count of messages each admin has sent over a period of time. |
Integration Tracking | Tracks integrations completed by candidate name. |
Report Results | ||
Report Name | Report Description | Notes |
Applicant Current Stages Results | Results from report Applicant Current Stage. |
Application Package Completion | Results for application package completion milestone report. |
Average Time in Stage | Results from Average Time In Stage report. |
Average Time in Stage Milestone | Results from Average Time In Stage milestone report. |
Qualification Questions | Results from Qualification Questions report. Count of each QQ asked. |
Time in Stage | Results from Average Time In Stage report. |
Time to Hire | Results from Time to Hire Milestone report |
Time to Fill Requisition | Results of time to hire from requisition date. |
Time to Interview | Results from Time to Interview Milestone report. |
Candidate Information | Report pulls application data: education, salary requirements, availability and job position. | Includes:
HR Data Report | Report pulls data back entered in at any HR Data Stage. | Select input variable option to view what was input by an administrator. |
Status Reports | ||
Report Name | Report Description | Notes |
Application Rejections | Pulls a report of rejection reasons with the number rejected for that reason. |
Application Status Detail | Result set pulls a report of the number and percentage of active, hired, and rejected applications. |
Job Applicants | Report results pulls the number of applicants that have completed a milestone. |
Job Assessment Scores | OnShift behavioral assessment | Includes:
Structured Interview Scores | Sum of total score. |
Message Delivery Statuses | How many emails have been delivered, opened, bounced or dropped. |
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