OnShift® Employ Administrator User's Guide

Create Recruit Message Templates

Recruit template emails are available to send to recruits from the recruit preview page individually or as a mass action.

Full Access Admin and Client Admin roles may create templates.

To create, go to Manage Systems → Message Templates → Recruit Messages tab and click +New.



Accessible By? is for internal purposes, letting you choose where this template is accessible from.

Email grouping (Friendly Ids) Friendly IDs may link a template to be included in the dropdown list when completing a stage that has a template email linked. If you want to add another email to that dropdown, use the same friendly ID as one that currently appears on the list.

Title is also for internal purposes. Create a name that quickly identifies the message.

Subject is the subject of the email sent to the recruit.

Body type in your message!

Message (second box) – type in a text version of your message to send to text-enabled recruits.

Submit to save your new message



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