OnShift, Inc
Unable to Submit Employment Application
I see the following message: "Some required fields are empty. Please review your entries, including any prior sections marked with an alert."
Review required fields
Spend a moment to open each section of the application to be sure all required fields are complete. Missing fields are highlighted in a red box with a red asterisk. Check the dates of employment–the format must be mm/yyyy.
Quickly identify missing required fields by jumping to the signature page and click submit (without signing).
Check your internet browser
Your internet browser may be out of date. How do I know if my internet browser is out-of-date?
Most common issues:
Data is not saving
Page is not loading
Signature box is missing or unable to click in signature box to sign the application
NOTE: OnShift Employ Technical Support will be unable to salvage data lost when an out-of-date browser is used to fill out an employment application. Please try an alternative browser.
Still unable to submit? Please contact support@onshift.com. Send a description of what is happening or screenshot, if possible.
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OnShift, Inc (866)342-4280