OnShift, Inc

Password Reset

Applied on Indeed and this is your first time in OnShift Employ? A profile has been started for you. Simply follow the above steps to create a password to login.

If you did not see an email right away in your primary inbox and you already checked your junk mail/spam folder:

  • You may have registered with a different email address

  • It is possible that there is a typo in your email address

Try resetting your password with the possible alternate email address.

Email support@onshift.com from the email address you are registered with and we will update your email address from our end. Please include:

  • Your first and last name

  • The company you are applying to

  • The correct email address

Password strength

  • Passwords are a minimum of 8 characters. We recommend at least one capital letter and one number. Special characters are acceptable.

  • No common words or variations of your name will be accepted. 

  • No consecutive numbers or letters (ie: 1234  or  9876 or abc or xyz).

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OnShift, Inc (866)342-4280