OnShift® Employ Administrator User's Guide

Openings Pages Explained

For the most part, you will use all tabs only once when creating a new opening.
Most of these steps are skipped when cloning a current or archived opening

An asterisk * in OnShift Employ indicates a required selection.

Need a requisition report?  → Reports → Metrics and Graph → Job Requisitions

Basic Details page

  1. Select a Company.

  2. The Job Template dropdown is linked to your company's Job Templates, where job descriptions are stored. Once a title is selected from the dropdown, the Job Description (found in the Job Description tab) auto-populates. If a job title is not visible in this dropdown, the job template has more than likely not been added or the company/facility has not been enabled in the Job Template.

  3. Choose a Title. If you have a variation of the job title, change it here. Otherwise leave as-is.

  4. Select a Location.

  5. Department will default to the original job title found on the Job Template. You may select another department if needed.

  6. Select an Administrator Assigned. This is the recruiter who is spearheading the opening, will manage the applications for the requisition, and will receive notifications.

  7. (Optional) Check the box Prohibit changes to oversight settings to prevent admins from modifying who has access to view. Once oversight is locked on a specific opening, the only way to unlock is to create a new opening or contact OnShift Support. Admin “access to view” settings remain when cloning an opening.

  8. (Optional) Review who automatically (per admin oversight) Has access to view or No access to view applicants for this opening. Access to this specific opening can be modified by clicking on the admin(s), then clicking the directional arrows in the middle of the boxes.

    • Has Access to View --Automatically inputs administrators with oversight in their admin settings.

      • This setting overrides any default oversight

    • No Access to View – Admins moved to No Access to View will not be able to see the Opening or applicants.

      • This setting overrides any default setting, including the Admin Assigned.

  9. Click Next to proceed to the Requisition Info page.

Basic Details page

Requisition Info page

All required fields are set to default for a standard external opening. Many of these features are optional. 

  1. (Optional) Reports To – Enter where this opening will report to. As a best practice, put a title in this field, not an individual’s name. This field is visible on the public side.

  2. (Optional) Requisition No. – This may be an actual number or Job ID #. This field is visible on the public side.

  3. (Optional) Pay grade – Enter the pay grade, pay rate, pay scale, or pay range for the opening.

  4. Opening – Date the posting opens. Defaults to Immediately but can be scheduled to post in the future. When selecting a specific date, keep in mind the job will automatically open at 12:01 am PST on the date selected.

  5. (Optional) Date Close – Select a date to auto-close the job. The posting will close at 12:01 am PST on the date selected. Leave blank to not use automatic close.

  6. (Optional) # of Positions Available – The posting will automatically close after this number of applicants are hired. Leave blank to not use automatic close.

  7. Enter the employment type (Full-Time or Part-Time) to designate the opening’s job type on Indeed.

  8. Select any attributes for the position, including night shifts, weekends, etc.

    • Note: these attributes do not show on the Indeed opening. Include these attributes in the body text of the job description if you want these details to be visible in Indeed. See Job Description below.

    • Note: select the part-time or full-time attribute if you want that information to be visible on the OnShift opening.

  9. Use the Remote dropdown to select whether the position is On Site, Fully Remote or Hybrid Remote. The remote setting selected will appear within the opening when posted to Indeed.

Requisition Info page

Job Description page

  1. The Job Description box auto-populates the job description stored in your company’s Job Templates. This is where you might add or modify the job description to suit your facility. Click the Preview button to see what it will look like once published.

  2. (Optional) Job Ad – Create a shortened version of the job description, add a company blurb, or advertise a sign-on bonus or other perk. If used, the Job Ad will be shown before the Description on the Apply page.  Job Ad will default on any active XML feeds or job board indexing. A link at the bottom of the published opening will allow the candidate to review the original job description, as well.

  3. (Optional) Incentives – Another location to advertise any incentives or job perks.

Please Note: It is up to the job board aggregator to pick up this file and publish jobs. OnShift cannot guarantee that any job board aggregator will use the file or provide timeframes for when they might refresh their jobs.



Job Requisition page

This page has several requisition-specific details as well as some optional extras.

  1. Select the Requisition type – application, pipeline or quick apply

    • Application requires candidates to complete the full application and all required paperwork as set by your organization.

    • Pipeline allows you to gather job seeker contact information to help you build a database of candidates to use when you have more openings.

    • Quick Apply shortens the application to just contact information and an optional resume upload so candidates can apply to your job faster.

  2. (Optional) Select if this opening is a new position

  3. (Optional) Select if the opening is budgeted. Use this for in-house tracking purposes.

  4. (Optional) Select whether or not to make the opening confidential and only visible by permission. This permission was previously referred to as “Public or Secured.” Select Secured to limit other administrators' visibility to the applications for this opening. Use case-executive job openings.

    1. Note: admin needs an exclusive permission to view openings. Please contact OnShift Employ Customer Support before creating a secured opening.

  5. (Optional) Select to publish or post the opening to the career portal and job boards.

  6. (Optional) Select to Use long registration. The long registration form requests an address in addition to the basic registration fields.  If you don’t use long registration, it’ll just ask for name, email and phone number.

  7. (Optional) Choose whether to Request a resume. If you select this, you have the option to make the resume required.

    • Note: When you select Quick Apply as the requisition type, Request Resume will be automatically selected. De-select this if you do not want to request this from Quick Apply applicants.

  8. (Optional) Selecting Allow candidate to contact recruiter adds a Contact Recruiter button next to the Apply Now button when an applicant is previewing the opening. The user is prompted to enter their email address and complete all options set up on the opening.

    • Contact Recruiter will always request a resume, regardless of whether you choose to request it in setup. This cannot be removed. However, adding a resume is optional for the job seeker.

  9. (Optional) Selecting Include Cover Letter will add a “message to the recruiter” step in the application flow.

  10. (Optional) Select if you want to Allow applicants to reapply. Many company settings have an application lockout to prevent candidates from applying frequently. This setting overrides the company setting for this specific job opening.

  11. (Optional) Select Put the opening on hold if you are not ready to open and accept applications or would like to place the opening on hold. This will add an "on hold" label to the application but does not remove the posting from career portal or job boards. This setting will also place a label next to any current applicants.

    • Note: To hide from job boards, leave the option “Publish or post opening to career portal and job boards” unselected.

Note: If you’re using a job template that requires a requisition approval process, you’ll see an additional field. The requisition will need to go through the approval process before you can publish or post the opening to the career portal and job boards. A list of required approvers will appear. Or, choose to skip this process.

Additional Settings page

The optional Additional Settings page shows you the default SMS number used, based on account settings, as well as spaces for you to enter your advertising budget or requisition notes, as needed.

Interview Invitation page

The optional Interview Invitation page allows you to schedule interviews directly within the requisition, using an existing meeting template. Select the meeting template to expand details to use and edit details as needed, then select Next. Or select Skip to bypass this page.

Advertising Setup page

Advertising Setup will take you through setup for any advertising you want to create for this requisition for posting to Indeed. Click here for Advertising IDs explained in detail.

Advertising IDs are essentially aliases for an Opening. 

When creating a new opening, the system will automatically create the Advertising ID from the original position title and location.

Create a new job title or broaden your location radius to cast a wider net of possible applicants.

  • Advertising IDs must be enabled for the tenant prior to being available (Under Manage System → Client Settings → Tenant Settings).

  • You can create several Advertising IDs for a single Opening (recommend no more than 3-4).

  • Each Advertising ID can take its own Title and Location. 

    • The Location can be any city in the state the job originates in.  It does not have to be a predefined location in OnShift Employ.  Posting out of state will require a paid sponsorship.

    • The Title can be different from the Opening title.

    • The Job Description will stay the same as the original Opening.

Your Browse Current Openings page can be set up to be driven by either the Opening (requisition) or by the Advertising IDs.  By default, your job board will be set up to show Advertising IDs, but there may be reasons to show the proper Opening.  Please direct any questions regarding this to your OnShift liaison. 

Click Submit to save.

Note: Posting Nationwide, Out of State, or Remote require a paid sponsorship. To sponsor, please reach out to the job board directly.


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