OnShift® Employ Administrator User's Guide
Re-open a Closed Job Requisition
Periodically it may be necessary to re-open a job requisition that was closed. There are two ways to do this.
Clone the Archived Job Requisition
Cloning the archived job requisition will create a brand new job opening with all the traits of the previous job requisition. It will also be represented as a separate job requisition in Reports. Click the Clone icon under the Actions column.
Unarchive and Re-Open the Requisition
Merely unarchiving does not automatically re-open the requisition, it only puts it back in Current Openings and makes it available to re-open. If not re-opened, it will go back to the Archived tab at midnight. This keeps reporting data consistent, as the job requisition number will be the same as before.
NOTE: If you unarchive and re-open a previously closed job requisition, the previously associated job advertising IDs will be gone and will need to be re-created. Not doing so results in the job not appearing on your Current Openings page nor on the job boards.
Please contact Support if you have additional questions.
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